Monday, August 27, 2007

Toddler Talk

A Day's Thoughts, by Zachary and Ethan...

Ethan the Nurturer
Zachary fell asleep this afternoon on the futon and awoke with a fever. In an attempt to wake him and move him upstairs I said to Zachary, "Honey, let's wake up and go to your bed...Honey...come on buddy," and so on and so forth.

Ethan, having observed this whole series of supplications, made his way over to his big brother, began stroking Zachary's hair and started in his expressive sing-songy voice, "Zatry, honey, come Zatry, oh honey, you sick?"

Ethan On Potty-training
I had a friend over today and while we were visiting Zachary announced that he had to go to the bathroom. Very excited over this opportunity to go potty with his brother, Ethan ran to join in on the fun! I let Ethan go up to our second floor bathroom (our only bathroom) to go potty like a 'big boy' without my supervision. OOPS! When I came upstairs both boys were naked staring at the wall. Ethan looked at me with a timid smile and proclaimed, "Me go pee-pee like a big boy. Me miss. Me go pee-pee on wall." NOTE TO SELF: Ethan is not old enough to go unsupervised in these matters!

Zachary On the Movie 'CARS'
Zachary has really been into the Disney-Pixar film, 'CARS' of late and addressed some of his aspirations to me before bed tonight. This is what he said...

"Mommy, I need a Fabulous Hudson Hornet because I've never had one and they go really fast. Maybe when we grow up we can get one and go really fast...cause they're really fast."

I think we have established that Hudson Hornets go really fast.

Well, I am exhausted tonight as I only had about three uninterrupted hours of sleep last night. I will write again soon and was so encouraged to get feedback by so many of you! Thank you! Sleep well.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Hot Days and Rainy Nights

So today was a tiresome day. It was so hot here, at least 97 degrees Fahrenheit, and the moisture just hung in the air. I try to be hopeful on days like these but the reality is that it is too hot to do anything but swim and sit. Nevertheless, we attempted to plow through our 'to do' list, accomplishing very little except irritating each other all day. Gotta love days like this. I breathed a sigh of relief when the kids went to sleep tonight and pray that this undeterred heat will lessen. Having only two window units to cool the entire house, things get pretty warm.

Some things on my mind tonight...

Last night Tom awoke to gun shots and police cars. That's the second time in three years that we have heard gun shots on this street. I do not feel as threatened as I thought I would, but again it makes me question what we are doing here. For the most part, life is usually pretty quiet and safe here. God has truly been at work in the hearts of people on this block and after three years, we are only beginning to deepen our relationships with our neighbors. Nevertheless, when things like this happen, I still question our resolve to stay. Ahhh....I guess ultimately I must rest in the sovereignty of our Holy God. But having said that, I am not always sure what that looks like.

I have observed in conversations of late, that too often propriety is valued over honesty, sentimentality wins over truth and we relentlessly pursue distraction in order to keep ourselves from reflecting on the struggles which should unite us Christians. Too often it seems that our dialogue is anemic. This superficiality troubles me because I know I am an expert at politely staying uninvolved. I pray that I would have the courage to recognize these pervasive conversational evils in myself. Hmm...

Good night.

Friday, August 24, 2007

And here it goes...

Well, this is my first attempt at a blog. I love to write but have not done much writing since college. Although I may not post often, it is my hope this blog will serve as a tool for me to finally articulate some of what I think about on a regular basis. I will also post on the kiddos and all that is happening with them so as keep you all up to date on the Baileys. Depending on my day, I may say too much or not enough...I am looking forward to your feedback on my musings. Alas, as much as I would love to write more on this inaugural post, I have to go to bed since little Eliana will be waking in the next few hours. Until later...