A Day's Thoughts, by Zachary and Ethan...
Ethan the Nurturer
Zachary fell asleep this afternoon on the futon and awoke with a fever. In an attempt to wake him and move him upstairs I said to Zachary, "Honey, let's wake up and go to your bed...Honey...come on buddy," and so on and so forth.
Ethan, having observed this whole series of supplications, made his way over to his big brother, began stroking Zachary's hair and started in his expressive sing-songy voice, "Zatry, honey, come Zatry, oh honey, you sick?"
Ethan On Potty-training
I had a friend over today and while we were visiting Zachary announced that he had to go to the bathroom. Very excited over this opportunity to go potty with his brother, Ethan ran to join in on the fun! I let Ethan go up to our second floor bathroom (our only bathroom) to go potty like a 'big boy' without my supervision. OOPS! When I came upstairs both boys were naked staring at the wall. Ethan looked at me with a timid smile and proclaimed, "Me go pee-pee like a big boy. Me miss. Me go pee-pee on wall." NOTE TO SELF: Ethan is not old enough to go unsupervised in these matters!
Zachary On the Movie 'CARS'
Zachary has really been into the Disney-Pixar film, 'CARS' of late and addressed some of his aspirations to me before bed tonight. This is what he said...
"Mommy, I need a Fabulous Hudson Hornet because I've never had one and they go really fast. Maybe when we grow up we can get one and go really fast...cause they're really fast."
I think we have established that Hudson Hornets go really fast.
Well, I am exhausted tonight as I only had about three uninterrupted hours of sleep last night. I will write again soon and was so encouraged to get feedback by so many of you! Thank you! Sleep well.