Tuesday, September 18, 2007

More Toddler Talk...

Here's few good ones from this past week...

Zachary: "If Ethan keeps being mean at me I'm not going to be his brother anymore! Ethan, I'm not your brother anymore because you won't stop being mean at me." Ethan, pouting, replies,"But why? Me want to be your brother."

Zachary: "Ethan, pretend you are old because if you are old you don't need money anymore." (Not sure where he got this idea from)

Ethan: "Bye-bye. Thank you for using the alligator (referring to the toy he was pretending was an elevator)."

As I was nursing Ellie this afternoon, Ethan looked at me and said,"Mommy when me little like Ellie, me eat you too."

Ethan: "Mommy when you get little you can take bath like Zatry and Ellie and Ethan and daddy can wash you hair."

As Ethan was playing with his little plastic vegetable toys, his little make-believe dialogue went like this, "Hello corn, me carrot. Hello carrot, me corn." So cute!

More next week!



Meg said...

Audrey still says "alligator" for elevator. I just don't have the heart to correct her, it's too cute. I love the "when you're little" sayings.

nmatthews said...

Oh, that little Ethan.

Sarah Gingrich said...

Sooo funny! They're so dear! Hey, do you guys ever hear from Phil? Do he and Sara have a website? Miss you!

Anonymous said...

It's very wise for you to document all these wonderful things they are saying! Eliza (18) just discovered her old 'write a book' from when she was 3 and 4. We all laughed over the things she said. It was fun memories!