Monday, September 24, 2007

Happy Birthday Big Guy!

Well, four years ago today Tom and I embarked on this exciting and challenging journey of parenthood--it has been an adventure! Today Zachary celebrated his fourth birthday and we are so blessed to have him in our lives. He is such a sweet, caring and thoughtful little boy! When I asked him today how it felt to be four he said, "Well now I am big and I can help you cook and do laundry!" Such aspirations! I promise I did not put those ideas in his head! I don't know what prompted those thoughts but we sure laughed! We celebrated his special day yesterday with a party that included lunch, games, cake (he had been asking for a CARS cake all last year and was quite excited with this one!) and gifts. I know it meant a lot to him to have his very own party and so many loving birthday wishes. Ellie and Ethan love their big brother and had fun celebrating his big day as well. Thank you to all, both here and those far away, for making his day so special! We are excited to see what this next year holds and cannot believe how fast the time has gone! Happy birthday little man, we love you and are so thankful for you!


Andrea said...

Just to clarify, in the picture of Zachary as a baby, the hat he has on is blue and pink (it was from the hospital) even though you can only see the pink :-)

Sarah Gingrich said...

Hey Andrea!
Wow, happy birthday to Zachary! I so remember him as the first picture, when he first came home...remember the "sail"?? I don't know how four years can zip by so fast. Your cake looks amazing! How did you do two levels? Did you celebrate in your backyard? We're so looking forward to getting to know Elianna and seeing the boys at this new stage. I can't wait to hear Sophia and Zachary chat! Miss you much!

Anonymous said...

Nice Cake!
Will you come make Davis's at New Years!
Miss you!
Kappy Bday Zachary!

Anonymous said...

More posts, more posts, more posts!!!

Sarah said...

Happy belated day to Zachary! He is such a sweetie (and that cake is amazing- did you make that?!).